Joint Load Ground Displacement

Assigns ground displacement load to point objects.

Execute: Executes the operation.

CSI Model: CSI Safe model attached to Grasshopper.

Units: Units used to define the ground displacement load.

Object Name: Name of point objects or group name in SAFE that the ground displacement load will be assigned.

Load Pattern: The name of the load pattern for the ground displacement load.

Ground Displacement Load: This is an array of six point load values.

Replace: (Optional) If this item is True, all previous ground displacement load, if any, assigned to the specified point object(s) in the specified load pattern are deleted before making the new assignment.

Item Type: If this item is Object, the assignment is made to the point object specified by the Object Name input parameter. If this item is Group, the assignment is made to all point objects in the group specified by the Object Name input parameter. If this item is SelectedObjects, assignment is made to all selected point objects, and the Object Name input parameter is ignored.


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