Local Axis

Assigns a local axis angle to frame objects

Execute: Executes the operation.

CSI Model: CSI Safe model attached to Grasshopper.

Object Name: Name of frame objects or group name in SAFE that the local axis angle will be assigned.

Angle: This is the angle that the local 2 and 3 axes are rotated about the positive local 1 axis, from the default orientation or, if the Advanced item is True, from the orientation determined by the plane reference vector. The rotation for a positive angle appears counter clockwise when the local +1 axis is pointing toward you.

Item Type: Item Type", "IT", "If this item is Object, the assignment is made to the frame object specified by the Object Name input parameter. If this item is Group, the assignment is made to all frame objects in the group specified by the Object Name input parameter. If this item is SelectedObjects, assignment is made to all selected frame objects, and the Object Name input parameter is ignored.


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