Define Steel Material

Adds a new steel material property to the model

Execute: Executes the operation.

CSI Model: CSI Safe model attached to Grasshopper.

Units: Units used to define the steel material property.

Material Name: Name of steel material property.

Region: Description of material location (This is define as a note for the material).

Standard: Description of material standard (This is define as a note for the material).

Grade: Description of material grade (This is define as a note for the material).

Weight or Mass: Choose between Weight or Mass.

Weight or Mass Value: Weight or mass per unit volume.

Modulus of Elasticity: Modulus of elasticity.

Poisson Ration: Poisson Ratio.

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion: Coefficient of Thermal Expansion.

Minimum Yield Stress Fy: Minimum Yield Stress Fy.

Minimum Tensile Strength Fu: Minimum Tensile Strength Fu.

Expected Yield Stress Fye Shear: Expected Yield Stress Fye.

Expected Tensile Strength Fue: Expected Tensile Strength Fue.

Good to know: If the name of the material you are defining already exists a warning will show letting you know that the material name already exists.


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