End Length Offsets

Assigns frame object end offsets along the 1-axis of the object

Execute: Executes the operation.

CSI Model: CSI Safe model attached to Grasshopper.

Units: Units used to to define the end length offset.

Object Name: Name of frame objects or group name in SAFE that the end length offset will be assigned.

Auto Offset: If this input parameter is True, the end length offsets are automatically determined by the program from object connectivity, and the Length i End, Length j End and Rigid Zone Factor input are ignored.

Length i End: The offset length along the 1-axis of the frame object at the i end of the frame object.

Length j End: The offset length along the 1-axis of the frame object at the j end of the frame object.

Rigid Zone Factor: This is the fraction of the end offset length assumed to be rigid for bending and shear deformations.

Item Type: If this item is Object, the assignment is made to the frame object specified by the Object Name input parameter. If this item is Group, the assignment is made to all frame objects in the group specified by the Object Name input parameter. If this item is SelectedObjects, assignment is made to all selected frame objects, and the Object Name input parameter is ignored.


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