Define Point Spring

Defines a spring property

Execute: Executes the operation.

CSI Model: CSI Safe model attached to Grasshopper.

Units: Units to define the spring property.

Spring Name: Name of spring.

Spring Option: The spring stiffness option, either 1 (User specified/ Link properties) or 2 (Based on soil profile and footings).

Spring Stiffness: An array of six spring stiffness values.

Array of six spring stiffness values

Translation X: Spring stiffness translation X.

Translation Y: Spring stiffness translation Y.

Translation Z (Linear): Spring stiffness translation Z.

Rotation about X-Axis: Spring stiffness rotation about X-Axis.

Rotation about Y-Axis: Spring stiffness rotation about Y-Axis.

Rotation about Z-Axis: Spring stiffness rotation about Z-Axis.


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